using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TomatenMusic.Services; using System.Linq; using SpotifyAPI.Web; using Lavalink4NET.Player; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Lavalink4NET; using TomatenMusicCore.Music; using TomatenMusicCore.Music.Entities; namespace TomatenMusic.Music.Entitites { public class FullTrackContext { public bool IsFile { get; set; } public string YoutubeDescription { get; set; } public IEnumerable YoutubeTags { get; set; } public ulong YoutubeViews { get; set; } public ulong YoutubeLikes { get; set; } public Uri YoutubeThumbnail { get; set; } public DateTime YoutubeUploadDate { get; set; } // // Summary: // Gets the author of the track. public Uri YoutubeAuthorThumbnail { get; set; } public ulong YoutubeAuthorSubs { get; set; } public Uri YoutubeAuthorUri { get; set; } public ulong? YoutubeCommentCount { get; set; } public string SpotifyIdentifier { get; set; } public SimpleAlbum SpotifyAlbum { get; set; } public List SpotifyArtists { get; set; } public int SpotifyPopularity { get; set; } public Uri SpotifyUri { get; set; } public static async Task PopulateAsync(TomatenMusicTrack track, FullTrack spotifyTrack = null, string spotifyId = null) { FullTrackContext context = (FullTrackContext)track.Context; if (context == null) context = new FullTrackContext(); var spotifyService = TomatenMusicBot.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(); var youtubeService = TomatenMusicBot.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(); if (spotifyId != null) context.SpotifyIdentifier = spotifyId; else if (spotifyTrack != null) context.SpotifyIdentifier = spotifyTrack.Id; track.Context = context; await youtubeService.PopulateTrackInfoAsync(track); await spotifyService.PopulateTrackAsync(track, spotifyTrack); return track; } public static async Task PopulateTracksAsync(TrackList tracks) { foreach (var trackItem in tracks) { await PopulateAsync(trackItem); } return tracks; } } }