using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using DSharpPlus; using TomatenMusic.Music.Entitites; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Linq; using TomatenMusic.Util; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Lavalink4NET.Player; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using TomatenMusicCore.Music; namespace TomatenMusic.Music { public class PlayerQueue { public Queue Queue { get; set; } = new Queue(); public Queue PlayedTracks { get; set; } = new Queue(); public ILogger _logger { get; set; } = TomatenMusicBot.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService>(); public ILavalinkPlaylist CurrentPlaylist { get; set; } public LoopType LoopType { get; private set; } = LoopType.NONE; public TomatenMusicTrack LastTrack { get; set; } public List QueueLoopList { get; private set; } public void QueueTrack(TomatenMusicTrack track) { CurrentPlaylist = null; Queue.Enqueue(track); _logger.LogInformation("Queued Track {0}", track.Title); if (LoopType == LoopType.QUEUE) QueueLoopList.Add(track); } public Task QueuePlaylistAsync(ILavalinkPlaylist playlist) { return Task.Run(() => { if (CurrentPlaylist == null && Queue.Count == 0) CurrentPlaylist = playlist; else CurrentPlaylist = null; _logger.LogInformation("Queued Playlist {0}", playlist.Title); foreach (var track in playlist.Tracks) { Queue.Enqueue(track); } if (LoopType == LoopType.QUEUE) QueueLoopList.AddRange(playlist.Tracks); }); } public Task QueueTracksAsync(TrackList tracks) { return Task.Run(() => { CurrentPlaylist = null; _logger.LogInformation("Queued TrackList {0}", tracks.ToString()); foreach (var track in tracks) { Queue.Enqueue(track); } if (LoopType == LoopType.QUEUE) QueueLoopList.AddRange(tracks); }); } public void Clear() { Queue.Clear(); PlayedTracks.Clear(); } public void RemoveAt(int index) { if (Queue.Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Queue was Empty"); List tracks = Queue.ToList(); tracks.RemoveAt(index); Queue = new Queue(tracks); } public MusicActionResponse NextTrack(bool ignoreLoop = false) { if (LastTrack != null) PlayedTracks = new Queue(PlayedTracks.Prepend(LastTrack)); switch (LoopType) { case LoopType.NONE: if (Queue.Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Queue was Empty"); LastTrack = Queue.Dequeue(); return new MusicActionResponse(LastTrack); case LoopType.TRACK: if (ignoreLoop) { LastTrack = Queue.Dequeue(); return new MusicActionResponse(LastTrack); } return new MusicActionResponse(LastTrack); case LoopType.QUEUE: if (!Queue.Any()) { if (CurrentPlaylist != null) Queue = new Queue(CurrentPlaylist.Tracks); else Queue = new Queue(QueueLoopList); } LastTrack = Queue.Dequeue(); return new MusicActionResponse(LastTrack); default: throw new NullReferenceException("LoopType was null"); } } public MusicActionResponse Rewind() { if (!PlayedTracks.Any()) throw new InvalidOperationException("There are no songs that could be rewinded to yet."); Queue = new Queue(Queue.Prepend(LastTrack)); LastTrack = PlayedTracks.Dequeue(); return new MusicActionResponse(LastTrack); } public Task ShuffleAsync() { if (Queue.Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Queue is Empty"); List tracks = new List(Queue); tracks.Shuffle(); Queue = new Queue(tracks); return Task.CompletedTask; } public async Task SetLoopAsync(LoopType type) { LoopType = type; if (type == LoopType.QUEUE) { QueueLoopList = new List(Queue); QueueLoopList.Add(LastTrack); } } } }