using DSharpPlus.Entities; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using TomatenMusic.Prompt.Option; using TomatenMusic.Util; using DSharpPlus.Exceptions; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using DSharpPlus; namespace TomatenMusic.Prompt.Model { abstract class DiscordPromptBase { public static List ActivePrompts { get; } = new List(); public PromptState State { get; protected set; } public DiscordMessage Message { get; private set; } public DiscordInteraction Interaction { get; private set; } public List Options { get; protected set; } = new List(); public DiscordClient _client { get; set; } public DiscordPromptBase LastPrompt { get; protected set; } protected ILogger _logger { get; set; } protected EventId eventId = new EventId(16, "Prompts"); protected DiscordPromptBase(DiscordPromptBase lastPrompt) { LastPrompt = lastPrompt; Options = new List(); IServiceProvider serviceProvider = TomatenMusicBot.ServiceProvider; _logger = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService>(); if (lastPrompt != null) { Options.Add(new ButtonPromptOption { Style = DSharpPlus.ButtonStyle.Danger, Row = 5, Emoji = new DiscordComponentEmoji("↩️"), Run = async (args, sender, option) => { _ = BackAsync(); } }); } Options.Add(new ButtonPromptOption { Style = DSharpPlus.ButtonStyle.Danger, Row = 5, Emoji = new DiscordComponentEmoji("❌"), Run = async (args, sender, option) => { _ = InvalidateAsync(); } }); } public async Task InvalidateAsync(bool withEdit = true, bool destroyHistory = false) { foreach (var option in Options) option.UpdateMethod = (prompt) => { prompt.Disabled = true; return Task.FromResult(prompt); }; if (withEdit) await EditMessageAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("This Prompt is invalid!")); ActivePrompts.Remove(this); if (destroyHistory) { if (LastPrompt != null) await LastPrompt.InvalidateAsync(false); await EditMessageAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("This Prompt is invalid!")); } if (State == PromptState.INVALID) return; State = PromptState.INVALID; _client.ComponentInteractionCreated -= Discord_ComponentInteractionCreated; } public async Task SendAsync(DiscordChannel channel) { if (State == PromptState.INVALID) return; IServiceProvider serviceProvider = TomatenMusicBot.ServiceProvider; var client = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(); _client = client.GetShard( (ulong) channel.GuildId); _client.ComponentInteractionCreated += Discord_ComponentInteractionCreated; ActivePrompts.Add(this); AddGuids(); DiscordMessageBuilder builder = await GetMessageAsync(); builder = await AddComponentsAsync(builder); Message = await builder.SendAsync(channel); State = PromptState.OPEN; } public async Task SendAsync(DiscordInteraction interaction, bool ephemeral = false) { if (State == PromptState.INVALID) return; IServiceProvider serviceProvider = TomatenMusicBot.ServiceProvider; var client = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(); _client = client.GetShard((ulong)interaction.GuildId); _client.ComponentInteractionCreated += Discord_ComponentInteractionCreated; ActivePrompts.Add(this); AddGuids(); DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder builder = await GetFollowupMessageAsync(); builder = await AddComponentsAsync(builder); builder.AsEphemeral(ephemeral); Interaction = interaction; Message = await interaction.CreateFollowupMessageAsync(builder); State = PromptState.OPEN; } public async Task UseAsync(DiscordMessage message) { if (State == PromptState.INVALID) return; IServiceProvider serviceProvider = TomatenMusicBot.ServiceProvider; var client = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(); _client = client.GetShard((ulong)message.Channel.GuildId); _client.ComponentInteractionCreated += Discord_ComponentInteractionCreated; ActivePrompts.Add(this); AddGuids(); DiscordWebhookBuilder builder = await GetWebhookMessageAsync(); await EditMessageAsync(builder); State = PromptState.OPEN; } public async Task UseAsync(DiscordInteraction interaction, DiscordMessage message) { if (State == PromptState.INVALID) return; IServiceProvider serviceProvider = TomatenMusicBot.ServiceProvider; var client = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(); _client = client.GetShard((ulong)interaction.GuildId); _client.ComponentInteractionCreated += Discord_ComponentInteractionCreated; ActivePrompts.Add(this); AddGuids(); DiscordWebhookBuilder builder = await GetWebhookMessageAsync(); Interaction = interaction; Message = message; await EditMessageAsync(builder); State = PromptState.OPEN; } private void AddGuids() { foreach (var item in Options) { item.CustomID = RandomUtil.GenerateGuid(); if (item is SelectMenuPromptOption) { SelectMenuPromptOption menuItem = (SelectMenuPromptOption)item; foreach (var option in menuItem.Options) { option.CustomID = RandomUtil.GenerateGuid(); } } } //this.Options = options; } protected abstract Task GetComponentAsync(IPromptOption option); protected abstract Task GetMessageAsync(); private async Task GetFollowupMessageAsync() { DiscordMessageBuilder oldBuilder = await GetMessageAsync(); return new DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder() .WithContent(oldBuilder.Content) .AddEmbeds(oldBuilder.Embeds); } private async Task GetWebhookMessageAsync() { DiscordMessageBuilder oldBuilder = await GetMessageAsync(); return new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent(oldBuilder.Content) .AddEmbeds(oldBuilder.Embeds); } public async Task UpdateAsync() { if (State == PromptState.INVALID) return; await EditMessageAsync(await GetWebhookMessageAsync()); } private async Task UpdateOptionsAsync() { List options = new List(); foreach (var option in this.Options) options.Add(await option.UpdateMethod.Invoke(option)); this.Options = options; } protected async Task Discord_ComponentInteractionCreated(DSharpPlus.DiscordClient sender, DSharpPlus.EventArgs.ComponentInteractionCreateEventArgs e) { if (State == PromptState.INVALID) return; foreach (var option in Options) { if (option.CustomID == e.Id) { await e.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DSharpPlus.InteractionResponseType.DeferredMessageUpdate); _ = option.Run.Invoke(e, sender, option); } } } public async Task EditMessageAsync(DiscordWebhookBuilder builder) { try { if (Interaction != null) { await AddComponentsAsync(builder); try { Message = await Interaction.EditFollowupMessageAsync(Message.Id, builder); }catch (Exception e) { Message = await Interaction.EditOriginalResponseAsync(builder); } } else { DiscordMessageBuilder msgbuilder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .AddEmbeds(builder.Embeds) .WithContent(builder.Content); await AddComponentsAsync(msgbuilder); Message = await Message.ModifyAsync(msgbuilder); } }catch (BadRequestException e) { _logger.LogError(e.Errors); } } protected async Task AddComponentsAsync(DiscordMessageBuilder builder) { await UpdateOptionsAsync(); builder.ClearComponents(); List row1 = new List(5); List row2 = new List(5); List row3 = new List(5); List row4 = new List(5); List row5 = new List(5); foreach (var option in Options) { switch (option.Row) { case 1: row1.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 2: row2.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 3: row3.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 4: row4.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 5: row5.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Row! Must be between 1 and 5", "Row"); } } if (row1.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row1); } if (row2.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row2); } if (row3.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row3); } if (row4.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row4); } if (row5.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row5); } return builder; } protected async Task AddComponentsAsync(DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder builder) { await UpdateOptionsAsync(); builder.ClearComponents(); List row1 = new List(5); List row2 = new List(5); List row3 = new List(5); List row4 = new List(5); List row5 = new List(5); foreach (var option in Options) { switch (option.Row) { case 1: row1.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 2: row2.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 3: row3.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 4: row4.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 5: row5.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Row! Must be between 1 and 5", "Row"); } } if (row1.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row1); } if (row2.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row2); } if (row3.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row3); } if (row4.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row4); } if (row5.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row5); } return builder; } protected async Task AddComponentsAsync(DiscordWebhookBuilder builder) { await UpdateOptionsAsync(); builder.ClearComponents(); List row1 = new List(5); List row2 = new List(5); List row3 = new List(5); List row4 = new List(5); List row5 = new List(5); foreach (var option in Options) { switch (option.Row) { case 1: row1.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 2: row2.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 3: row3.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 4: row4.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; case 5: row5.Add(await GetComponentAsync(option)); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Row! Must be between 1 and 5", "Row"); } } if (row1.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row1); } if (row2.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row2); } if (row3.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row3); } if (row4.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row4); } if (row5.Count != 0) { builder.AddComponents(row5); } return builder; } public async Task BackAsync() { if (LastPrompt == null) return; _client.ComponentInteractionCreated -= LastPrompt.Discord_ComponentInteractionCreated; await InvalidateAsync(false); if (Interaction == null) await LastPrompt.UseAsync(Message); else await LastPrompt.UseAsync(Interaction, Message); } public void AddOption(IPromptOption option) { Options.Add(option); } } }