using DSharpPlus.Entities; using DSharpPlus.SlashCommands; using Lavalink4NET; using Lavalink4NET.Player; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TomatenMusic.Commands.Checks; using TomatenMusic.Music; using TomatenMusic.Music.Entitites; using TomatenMusic.Util; namespace TomatenMusic.Commands { [SlashCommandGroup("play", "Play a song.")] public class PlayCommandGroup : ApplicationCommandModule { [SlashCommandGroup("now", "Plays the specified Song now and prepends the Current song to the Queue.")] public class PlayNowGroup : ApplicationCommandModule { public IAudioService _audioService { get; set; } public ILogger _logger { get; set; } public TrackProvider _trackProvider { get; set; } public PlayNowGroup(IAudioService audioService, ILogger logger, TrackProvider trackProvider) { _audioService = audioService; _logger = logger; _trackProvider = trackProvider; } [SlashCommand("query", "Play a song with its youtube/spotify link. (or youtube search)")] [UserInVoiceChannelCheck] [UserInMusicChannelCheck(true)] [OnlyGuildCheck] public async Task PlayQueryCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("query", "The song search query.")] string query) { await ctx.DeferAsync(true); GuildPlayer player = (GuildPlayer)_audioService.GetPlayer(ctx.Guild.Id); MusicActionResponse response; try { response = await _trackProvider.SearchAsync(query); } catch (Exception ex) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while resolving your query: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } try { player = await _audioService.JoinAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.Member.VoiceState.Channel.Id, true); } catch (Exception ex) { player = _audioService.GetPlayer(ctx.Guild.Id); if (player == null || player.VoiceChannelId == null) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while connecting to your Channel: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } } try { if (response.isPlaylist) { LavalinkPlaylist playlist = response.Playlist; await player.PlayPlaylistNowAsync(playlist); _ = ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("Now Playing:").AddEmbed( Common.AsEmbed(playlist) )); } else { LavalinkTrack track = response.Track; _ = ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("Playing Now") .AddEmbed(Common.AsEmbed(track, player.PlayerQueue.LoopType, 0))); await player.PlayNowAsync(response.Track); } } catch (Exception ex) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while playing your Query: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } } [SlashCommand("file", "Play a song file. (mp3/mp4)")] [UserInVoiceChannelCheck] [UserInMusicChannelCheck(true)] [OnlyGuildCheck] public async Task PlayFileCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("File", "The File that should be played.")] DiscordAttachment file) { await ctx.DeferAsync(true); GuildPlayer player = (GuildPlayer)_audioService.GetPlayer(ctx.Guild.Id); MusicActionResponse response; try { response = await _trackProvider.SearchAsync(new Uri(file.Url)); } catch (Exception ex) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while resolving your file: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } try { player = await _audioService.JoinAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.Member.VoiceState.Channel.Id, true); } catch (Exception ex) { player = _audioService.GetPlayer(ctx.Guild.Id); if (player == null || player.VoiceChannelId == null) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while connecting to your Channel: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } } LavalinkTrack track = response.Track; _ = ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("Playing Now") .AddEmbed(Common.AsEmbed(track, player.PlayerQueue.LoopType, 0))); await player.PlayNowAsync(response.Track); } } [SlashCommandGroup("queue", "Queues or plays the Song")] public class PlayQueueGroup : ApplicationCommandModule { public IAudioService _audioService { get; set; } public ILogger _logger { get; set; } public TrackProvider _trackProvider { get; set; } public PlayQueueGroup(IAudioService audioService, ILogger logger, TrackProvider trackProvider) { _audioService = audioService; _logger = logger; _trackProvider = trackProvider; } [SlashCommand("query", "Play a song with its youtube/spotify link. (or youtube search)")] [UserInVoiceChannelCheck] [UserInMusicChannelCheck(true)] [OnlyGuildCheck] public async Task PlayQueryCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("query", "The song search query.")] string query) { await ctx.DeferAsync(true); GuildPlayer player = (GuildPlayer)_audioService.GetPlayer(ctx.Guild.Id); MusicActionResponse response; try { response = await _trackProvider.SearchAsync(query); } catch (Exception ex) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while resolving your query: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } try { player = await _audioService.JoinAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.Member.VoiceState.Channel.Id, true); } catch (Exception ex) { player = _audioService.GetPlayer(ctx.Guild.Id); if (player == null || player.VoiceChannelId == null) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while connecting to your Channel: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } } try { if (response.isPlaylist) { LavalinkPlaylist playlist = response.Playlist; await player.PlayPlaylistAsync(playlist); _ = ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("Now Playing:").AddEmbed( Common.AsEmbed(playlist) )); } else { LavalinkTrack track = response.Track; _ = ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent(player.State == PlayerState.NotPlaying ? "Now Playing:" : "Added to Queue") .AddEmbed(Common.AsEmbed(track, player.PlayerQueue.LoopType, player.State == PlayerState.NotPlaying ? 0 : player.PlayerQueue.Queue.Count + 1))); await player.PlayAsync(response.Track); } } catch (Exception ex) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while playing your Track: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } } [SlashCommand("file", "Play a song file. (mp3/mp4)")] [UserInVoiceChannelCheck] [UserInMusicChannelCheck(true)] [OnlyGuildCheck] public async Task PlayFileCommand(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("File", "The File that should be played.")] DiscordAttachment file) { await ctx.DeferAsync(true); GuildPlayer player = (GuildPlayer)_audioService.GetPlayer(ctx.Guild.Id); MusicActionResponse response; try { response = await _trackProvider.SearchAsync(new Uri(file.Url)); } catch (Exception ex) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while resolving your file: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } try { player = await _audioService.JoinAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.Member.VoiceState.Channel.Id, true); } catch (Exception ex) { player = _audioService.GetPlayer(ctx.Guild.Id); if (player == null || player.VoiceChannelId == null) { await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent($"❌ An error occured while connecting to your Channel: ``{ex.Message}``") ); return; } } LavalinkTrack track = response.Track; _ = ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent(player.State == PlayerState.NotPlaying ? "Now Playing:" : "Added to Queue") .AddEmbed(Common.AsEmbed(track, player.PlayerQueue.LoopType, player.State == PlayerState.NotPlaying ? 0 : player.PlayerQueue.Queue.Count + 1))); await player.PlayAsync(response.Track); } } } }