using SpotifyAPI.Web; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DSharpPlus; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using TomatenMusic.Music.Entitites; using TomatenMusic.Services; using TomatenMusic.Music; using Lavalink4NET; using Lavalink4NET.Player; using System.Runtime.Caching; namespace TomatenMusic.Services { public interface ISpotifyService { public Task ConvertURL(string url); public Task PopulateSpotifyPlaylistAsync(SpotifyPlaylist playlist, FullPlaylist spotifyPlaylist = null); public Task PopulateSpotifyAlbumAsync(SpotifyPlaylist playlist, FullAlbum spotifyAlbum = null); public Task PopulateTrackAsync(LavalinkTrack track, FullTrack spotifyFullTrack = null); } public class SpotifyService : SpotifyClient, ISpotifyService { public ILogger _logger { get; set; } public IAudioService _audioService { get; set; } public ObjectCache Cache { get; set; } public SpotifyService(SpotifyClientConfig config, ILogger logger, IAudioService audioService) : base(config) { _logger = logger; _audioService = audioService; Cache = MemoryCache.Default; } public async Task ConvertURL(string url) { string trackId = url .Replace("", "") .Replace("", "") .Replace("", "") .Substring(0, 22); _logger.LogDebug($"Starting spotify conversion for: {url}"); if (url.StartsWith("")) { FullTrack sTrack = Cache.Contains(trackId) ? Cache.Get(trackId) as FullTrack : await Tracks.Get(trackId); _logger.LogInformation($"Searching youtube from spotify with query: {sTrack.Name} {String.Join(" ", sTrack.Artists)}"); var track = await _audioService.GetTrackAsync($"{sTrack.Name} {String.Join(" ", sTrack.Artists.ConvertAll(artist => artist.Name))}", Lavalink4NET.Rest.SearchMode.YouTube); if (track == null) throw new ArgumentException("This Spotify Track was not found on Youtube"); Cache.Add(trackId, sTrack, DateTimeOffset.MaxValue); return new MusicActionResponse(await FullTrackContext.PopulateAsync(track, sTrack)); } else if (url.StartsWith("")) { List tracks = new List(); FullAlbum album = Cache.Contains(trackId) ? Cache.Get(trackId) as FullAlbum : await Albums.Get(trackId); foreach (var sTrack in await PaginateAll(album.Tracks)) { _logger.LogInformation($"Searching youtube from spotify with query: {sTrack.Name} {String.Join(" ", sTrack.Artists.ConvertAll(artist => artist.Name))}"); var track = await _audioService.GetTrackAsync($"{sTrack.Name} {String.Join(" ", sTrack.Artists.ConvertAll(artist => artist.Name))}", Lavalink4NET.Rest.SearchMode.YouTube); if (track == null) throw new ArgumentException("This Spotify Track was not found on Youtube"); tracks.Add(await FullTrackContext.PopulateAsync(track, spotifyId: sTrack.Uri.Replace("spotify:track:", ""))); } Uri uri; Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri); SpotifyPlaylist playlist = new SpotifyPlaylist(album.Name, album.Id, tracks, uri); await PopulateSpotifyAlbumAsync(playlist, album); Cache.Add(trackId, album, DateTimeOffset.MaxValue); return new MusicActionResponse(playlist: playlist); } else if (url.StartsWith("")) { List tracks = new List(); FullPlaylist spotifyPlaylist = Cache.Contains(trackId) ? Cache.Get(trackId) as FullPlaylist : await Playlists.Get(trackId); foreach (var sTrack in await PaginateAll(spotifyPlaylist.Tracks)) { if (sTrack.Track is FullTrack) { FullTrack fullTrack = (FullTrack)sTrack.Track; _logger.LogInformation($"Searching youtube from spotify with query: {fullTrack.Name} {String.Join(" ", fullTrack.Artists.ConvertAll(artist => artist.Name))}"); var track = await _audioService.GetTrackAsync($"{fullTrack.Name} {String.Join(" ", fullTrack.Artists.ConvertAll(artist => artist.Name))}", Lavalink4NET.Rest.SearchMode.YouTube); if (track == null) throw new ArgumentException("This Spotify Track was not found on Youtube"); tracks.Add(await FullTrackContext.PopulateAsync(track, fullTrack)); } } Uri uri; Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri); SpotifyPlaylist playlist = new SpotifyPlaylist(spotifyPlaylist.Name, spotifyPlaylist.Id, tracks, uri); await PopulateSpotifyPlaylistAsync(playlist, spotifyPlaylist); Cache.Add(trackId, spotifyPlaylist, DateTimeOffset.MaxValue); return new MusicActionResponse(playlist: playlist); } return null; } public async Task PopulateSpotifyPlaylistAsync(SpotifyPlaylist playlist, FullPlaylist spotifyPlaylist = null) { FullPlaylist list = spotifyPlaylist; if (list == null) list = await this.Playlists.Get(playlist.Identifier); string desc = list.Description; playlist.Description = desc.Substring(0, Math.Min(desc.Length, 1024)) + (desc.Length > 1020 ? "..." : " "); if (playlist.Description.Length < 2) playlist.Description = "None"; playlist.AuthorUri = new Uri($"{list.Owner.Id}"); playlist.AuthorName = list.Owner.DisplayName; playlist.Followers = list.Followers.Total; playlist.Url = new Uri($"{playlist.Identifier}"); try { playlist.AuthorThumbnail = new Uri(list.Owner.Images.First().Url); } catch (Exception ex) { } return playlist; } public async Task PopulateSpotifyAlbumAsync(SpotifyPlaylist playlist, FullAlbum spotifyAlbum = null) { FullAlbum list = spotifyAlbum; if (list == null) list = await this.Albums.Get(playlist.Identifier); string desc = list.Label; playlist.Description = desc.Substring(0, Math.Min(desc.Length, 1024)) + (desc.Length > 1020 ? "..." : " "); playlist.AuthorUri = new Uri($"{list.Artists.First().Uri}"); playlist.AuthorName = list.Artists.First().Name; playlist.Followers = list.Popularity; playlist.Url = new Uri($"{playlist.Identifier}"); return playlist; } public async Task PopulateTrackAsync(LavalinkTrack track, FullTrack spotifyFullTrack) { FullTrackContext context = (FullTrackContext)track.Context; if (context.SpotifyIdentifier == null) return track; FullTrack spotifyTrack = spotifyFullTrack; if (spotifyTrack == null) spotifyTrack = await Tracks.Get(context.SpotifyIdentifier); context.SpotifyAlbum = spotifyTrack.Album; context.SpotifyArtists = spotifyTrack.Artists; context.SpotifyPopularity = spotifyTrack.Popularity; context.SpotifyUri = new Uri($"{context.SpotifyIdentifier}"); track.Context = context; return track; } } }