2022-03-19 22:28:54 +01:00
using System ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
using DSharpPlus ;
using DSharpPlus.EventArgs ;
using DSharpPlus.Entities ;
using DSharpPlus.Net ;
using System.Linq ;
using DSharpPlus.SlashCommands ;
using DSharpPlus.SlashCommands.EventArgs ;
using TomatenMusic.Commands ;
using Newtonsoft.Json ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Text ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection ;
using TomatenMusic.Music ;
using SpotifyAPI.Web.Auth ;
using SpotifyAPI.Web ;
using DSharpPlus.Exceptions ;
using Lavalink4NET ;
using Lavalink4NET.DSharpPlus ;
using Lavalink4NET.MemoryCache ;
using TomatenMusic.Services ;
using Lavalink4NET.Tracking ;
using Lavalink4NET.Lyrics ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting ;
using Lavalink4NET.Logging ;
using Lavalink4NET.Logging.Microsoft ;
using TomatenMusic.Music.Entitites ;
namespace TomatenMusic
public class TomatenMusicBot
public class ConfigJson
public string Token { get ; private set ; }
public string LavaLinkPassword { get ; private set ; }
public string SpotifyClientId { get ; private set ; }
public string SpotifyClientSecret { get ; private set ; }
public string YoutubeAPIKey { get ; private set ; }
public static IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get ; private set ; }
public IHost _host { get ; set ; }
private async Task < IServiceProvider > BuildServiceProvider ( )
var json = "" ;
using ( var fs = File . OpenRead ( "config.json" ) )
using ( var sr = new StreamReader ( fs , new UTF8Encoding ( false ) ) )
json = await sr . ReadToEndAsync ( ) ;
ConfigJson config = JsonConvert . DeserializeObject < ConfigJson > ( json ) ;
_host = Host . CreateDefaultBuilder ( )
. ConfigureServices ( ( _ , services ) = >
. AddSingleton ( config )
. AddMicrosoftExtensionsLavalinkLogging ( )
. AddSingleton < TrackProvider > ( )
. AddSingleton < DiscordShardedClient > ( )
. AddSingleton ( s = > new DiscordConfiguration
Token = config . Token ,
Intents = DiscordIntents . All ,
LoggerFactory = s . GetRequiredService < ILoggerFactory > ( )
} )
// Lavalink
. AddSingleton < IDiscordClientWrapper , DiscordShardedClientWrapper > ( )
. AddSingleton < IAudioService , LavalinkNode > ( )
. AddSingleton ( new InactivityTrackingOptions
TrackInactivity = true
} )
. AddSingleton < InactivityTrackingService > ( )
. AddSingleton (
new LavalinkNodeOptions
RestUri = "" ,
Password = config . LavaLinkPassword ,
WebSocketUri = "ws://" ,
AllowResuming = true
} )
. AddSingleton < ILavalinkCache , LavalinkCache > ( )
. AddSingleton < ISpotifyService , SpotifyService > ( )
. AddSingleton < YoutubeService > ( )
. AddSingleton < LyricsOptions > ( )
. AddSingleton < LyricsService > ( )
. AddSingleton ( SpotifyClientConfig . CreateDefault ( ) . WithAuthenticator ( new ClientCredentialsAuthenticator ( config . SpotifyClientId , config . SpotifyClientSecret ) ) ) )
. Build ( ) ;
ServiceProvider = _host . Services ;
return ServiceProvider ;
public async Task InitBotAsync ( )
await BuildServiceProvider ( ) ;
//_ = _host.StartAsync();
_host . Start ( ) ;
var client = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < DiscordShardedClient > ( ) ;
var audioService = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < IAudioService > ( ) ;
var logger = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < ILogger < TomatenMusicBot > > ( ) ;
client . ClientErrored + = Discord_ClientErrored ;
var slash = await client . UseSlashCommandsAsync ( new SlashCommandsConfiguration
Services = ServiceProvider
} ) ;
2022-03-20 00:02:37 +01:00
2022-03-19 22:28:54 +01:00
slash . RegisterCommands < MusicCommands > ( 888493810554900491 ) ;
slash . RegisterCommands < PlayQueueGroup > ( 888493810554900491 ) ;
slash . RegisterCommands < PlayNowGroup > ( 888493810554900491 ) ;
2022-03-20 00:02:37 +01:00
2022-03-19 22:28:54 +01:00
await client . StartAsync ( ) ;
client . Ready + = Client_Ready ;
await audioService . InitializeAsync ( ) ;
var trackingService = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < InactivityTrackingService > ( ) ;
trackingService . ClearTrackers ( ) ;
trackingService . AddTracker ( DefaultInactivityTrackers . UsersInactivityTracker ) ;
trackingService . AddTracker ( DefaultInactivityTrackers . ChannelInactivityTracker ) ;
private Task Client_Ready ( DiscordClient sender , ReadyEventArgs e )
var logger = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < ILogger < TomatenMusicBot > > ( ) ;
var slash = sender . GetSlashCommands ( ) ;
slash . SlashCommandInvoked + = Slash_SlashCommandInvoked ;
slash . SlashCommandErrored + = Slash_SlashCommandErrored ;
sender . UpdateStatusAsync ( new DiscordActivity ( $"/ commands! Shard {sender.ShardId}" , ActivityType . Watching ) ) ;
return Task . CompletedTask ;
public async Task ShutdownBotAsync ( )
var audioService = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < IAudioService > ( ) ;
var client = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < DiscordShardedClient > ( ) ;
audioService . Dispose ( ) ;
await client . StopAsync ( ) ;
private Task Discord_ClientErrored ( DiscordClient sender , ClientErrorEventArgs e )
var logger = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < ILogger < TomatenMusicBot > > ( ) ;
logger . LogDebug ( "Event {0} errored with Exception {3}" , e . EventName , e . Exception ) ;
if ( e . Exception is NotFoundException )
logger . LogDebug ( $"{ ((NotFoundException)e.Exception).JsonMessage }" ) ;
if ( e . Exception is BadRequestException )
logger . LogDebug ( $"{ ((BadRequestException)e.Exception).Errors }" ) ;
return Task . CompletedTask ;
private Task Slash_SlashCommandErrored ( SlashCommandsExtension sender , SlashCommandErrorEventArgs e )
var logger = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < ILogger < TomatenMusicBot > > ( ) ;
logger . LogInformation ( "Command {0} invoked by {1} on Guild {2} with Exception {3}" , e . Context . CommandName , e . Context . Member , e . Context . Guild , e . Exception ) ;
if ( e . Exception is NotFoundException )
logger . LogDebug ( $"{ ((NotFoundException)e.Exception).JsonMessage }" ) ;
if ( e . Exception is BadRequestException )
logger . LogDebug ( $"{ ((BadRequestException)e.Exception).JsonMessage }" ) ;
return Task . CompletedTask ;
private Task Slash_SlashCommandInvoked ( SlashCommandsExtension sender , DSharpPlus . SlashCommands . EventArgs . SlashCommandInvokedEventArgs e )
var logger = ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService < ILogger < TomatenMusicBot > > ( ) ;
logger . LogInformation ( "Command {0} invoked by {1} on Guild {2}" , e . Context . CommandName , e . Context . Member , e . Context . Guild ) ;
return Task . CompletedTask ;